How Abuse Affects the Body

Frankly - abusers really are a pain in the behind. And sometimes they cause pain in other places, too - prolonged abuse can cause all kinds of medical conditions and illnesses, along with PTSD.


  • Stress-Induced Ailments: Mental abuse keeps cortisol levels sky-high, paving the way for headaches, muscle tension, and a compromised immune system.

  • Sleep Disturbances: Goodbye, sweet dreams, and hello insomnia. Mental abuse loves to keep you tossing and turning at night.

  • Weight Fluctuations: Thanks to abuse, you can experience the wild ride of weight fluctuations. Stress can mess with your eating habits, leaving you bouncing between overeating and losing your appetite.

  • Gastrointestinal Woes: Abuse causes digestive issues, stomachaches, nausea, & that uneasy feeling of butterflies gone rogue.

  • Chronic Fatigue: Forget about energy and vitality! Mental abuse has a way of leaving you with continuous exhaustion that even copious amounts of coffee can't fix.

  • Phantom Physical Aches: Welcome to the world of unexplained pain! Abuse manifests symptoms that can stump the medical professionals.

  • Cardiovascular Problems: Yes, abuse does mess with your heart! Anxiety puts a strain on your cardiovascular system, and can leave you with a racing heart, panic attacks that feel like heart attacks, an erratic heart rhythm, or other heart problems.

  • Psychogenic Seizures: My least favorite and the scariest of the physical PTSD symptoms - seizures that look and feel just like epileptic seizures, but are in fact caused by extreme stress.

Is Narcissistic Abuse Making You Sick?


Trauma treatment is never a substitute for medical treatment.

See your physician to rule out underlying medical conditions or illnesses.

Utilizing trauma treatment in conjunction with medical interventions is often the most effective way to treat the individual as a whole.



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My Journey to Physically Heal from Trauma

Over the course of my narcissistic abuse, my body reacted in all kinds of strange ways. At first, my physical symptoms of trauma were the typical kind - insomnia, exhaustion, that kind of thing. But things progressed quickly from there.

My esophagus began to spasm, with attacks sometimes going on for days or weeks at a time. My esophageal valve would close and not open again. This meant food and liquids couldn't enter my stomach and stayed stuck in my chest. I ended up in the hospital twice drinking liquid lidocaine in an attempt to get my esophageal valve relaxed enough to open again. My esophageal dysmotility made eating and digesting food incredibly difficult and sometimes debilitating. I took medications for 15 years, but they never helped. It felt like a vice grip around my rib cage that just squeezed and squeezed. The pain was constant, and sometimes I'd just go without eating all together in an attempt to avoid it. I changed my diet, did a ton of research, saw all the specialists, but still couldn't get my digestive issues resolved.

Then, I developed double pneumonia. I was on strict doctor's orders to stay on bedrest for 10 days. I went home with heavy-duty meds, knowing I'd be better soon as long as I finally let my body recover. No problem, because my narcissist was home to care for me and nurse me back to health, right?  Not even close. Within a day or two, I was getting out of bed to go up and down the stairs, without being able to breathe, in order to get myself something to eat or drink from the kitchen. Otherwise - well, it would have been 9 days of not eating or drinking at all.

Pretty soon, I got used to not eating. It became easier not to eat, because eating hurt. So I stopped eating. My weight dropped from 120 lbs to 97 lbs within a couple of months.

And then the joint pain began. I owned a dance studio. I taught dance almost every day, and it was my livelihood. Suddenly, it was like my ankles were frozen in place. They clicked every time I moved. I could barely walk, and had to throw out all my cute high heels (which I was famous for) and replace them all with orthopedic-friendly shoes. Even then, all I could feel was a constant, agonizing ache that never went away, and nerve pain that sent shooting, electric-like shock waves all the way up my legs. I went Christmas shopping with my mom one year. I was only in my 30's. She had to take my arm and help me down the corridors, supporting my weight. Still, the pain was excruciating. It would take all of my energy during the day just to function like a normal human without bursting into tears. At night, I would lie in my bed and just cry because everything hurt so much, and I couldn't hold the sobs back anymore. 

Normally I liked to sleep on my side, but the bones in my shoulder and hip were so sharp that I couldn't lie that way anymore. I had to get a pad to surround my seatbelt strap, because the canvas fabric was rubbing my jutting clavicle bones raw. Around this time, I was officially diagnosed with an eating disorder. The anorexia didn't start the way anyone might expect. But once my weight started to drop, I developed a toxic fascination with seeing just how skinny I could get before my narcissist would step in and help me. It's true. Deep down, sadly, I think I stopped eating just to see if my narcissist would care. If he would finally step in and do anything to help me, after twenty years of marriage, because he must love me too much to sit by and watch me waste away, right?

Nope. The only thing that concerned him was the often-mentioned complaint that my "boobs were getting smaller". And then I realized he really didn't care if I died. And then I realized that if I did die, he would be the only parent my children would have left. And that was... unacceptable. That's when I finally ended it. Leaving my narcissist did not automatically cure all of the physical ailments I was suffering from. But I finally realized that the old adage is true -YOU CAN'T HEAL IN THE PLACE THAT IS MAKING YOU SICK.

Permanently cutting contact with my narcissistic abuser was the first step toward my recovery. From there, it was my job to find the right kind of help and treatments to aid my own healing and help my kids heal, too. Because - guess what? They both developed the same esophogeal dismotility as I have - all stemming from similar trauma, all unleashed on us from the same narcissistic abuser.

No, my abuser did not ride in on a white horse to carry me away into the sunset. I finally got better when I got up off my knees, wiped the tears off my face, and chose to get to work getting better - for ME. I would love to give you all the tools you need to SAVE YOURSELF! You don't need the knight. You don't need the horse. All you need is here at your fingertips, and you have all the power required to stop being a victim and become a survivor. Trust me, I tried every single trauma treatment under the sun. Below, you'll find info on what these treatments are really like, and what helped me finally heal from extreme narcissitic trauma and (C) PTSD.

Heal Your Mind, Body and Spirit.

How Can Individual Sessions Benefit You?

  • Explore the impact of abuse on your life, helping you gain insights into the psychological, emotional, and physical aspects of trauma

  • Find a safe, confidential space where you can share your experiences openly, knowing that you are not alone in this journey

  • Become better equipped to cope with triggers, setbacks, and emotional challenges

  • Assistance in setting healthy boundaries, improving self-esteem, or overcoming anxiety

  • Create a life based on what YOU need and desire.


Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, and sometimes, the darkness we encounter can leave lasting scars. As an abuse expert, my mission is to be a guiding light on your path to healing and empowerment. You are not defined by your past, but rather, by the incredible strength within you to rise above it. Whether you've recently escaped an abusive situation or have been carrying the weight of trauma for some time, I am here to offer you unwavering support, understanding, and expertise. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey of healing, from surviving to thriving.

No survivor's path to healing is the same. That's why I believe in crafting personalized strategies that cater to your specific needs and goals. Whether you need assistance in setting healthy boundaries, improving self-esteem, or overcoming anxiety, we will work collaboratively to find the most effective tools and techniques for your growth.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!